Specimen A @ In Da Mix (Radio Record) [20-12-2010]


1. Life - Tony Anthem & Axel Ender (Specimen A remix)
2. Riot Gear - Ribs&Ig88 (Specimen A remix)
3. Trouble - Pyramid-(The Others remix)
4. Stay - Where's Huey (Specimen A remix )
5. Make my day - Bashy vs NAPT - (Specimen A remix)
6. Jaguar paw - Specimen A
7. Cracks - Freestylers (Flux pavillion remix)
8. Sweetshop - Doctor P
9. Start the party - Far too loud - (Specimen A remix)
10. Chasing shadows - Specimen A - (Pyramid remix)
11. Foreigner vs Specimen A - Cold As Ice
12. Cruel - Pyramid - (Skism remix)
13. Quarks - Dirtyphonics
14. Stand up ft dynamite mc - (Camo & Krooked, Friction)
15. The Nine - Bad company
16. Space time - Delta heavy
17. Body shot - Tantrum desire
18. Take the stairs - Delta heavy
19. Take me to hospital - the Prodigy - (Sub Focus remix)
20. We can have it all - Danny Bird - (Sigma remix)
21. Bambatta - Sky fx
22. Chi chi pow! - Specimen A & DJ Phatt
23. Polygon - (Dirtyphonics remix)
24. I need you - Fatface & Specimen A
25. Darkness - Vadim Shantor and Stonewash (Specimen A remix)
26. Black n Blue - NAPT remix
27. Just a Dj - Specimen A
28. Where you get that? - Specimen A
29. Warriors Dance - Prodigy - (Far too loud remix)
30. Chasing shadows - Specimen A -Breaks mix
31. Forgot about breaks - Specimen A
32. Jaws - Specimen A


  1. barlander says:

    oooo this mix and the far too loud mix look pretty cool, hope the bandwidth will last :)

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