Far Too Loud @ Annie Nightingale (BBC1) [09-10-2009]
1 Far Too Loud - ‘Bass Association’ (Funkatech)
2 Atomic Drop - ‘2 to the 3’ (Wildstyle)
3 RackNruin - ‘Do One’ (Future Perfect)
4 30Hz - ‘Innocent’ (Far Too Loud remix) (Lot 49)
5 Pyramid - ‘The Preacher’ (Funkatech)
6 Designer Drugs - ‘Back Up In This’ (Le Castle Vania remix) (iHeartcomix)
7 BSD - ‘Compute’ (iBreaks)
8 4KUBA vs. Miss Napalm - ‘Technostaender’ (4KUBA remix) (Elektro-lyte)
9 Access Denied - ‘Manifest’ (Bombtraxx)
10 X-Dream - ‘The 1st’ (Far Too Loud re-edit) (CDR)
11 RMS & Peak - ‘Ten Dimensions’ (Broken Robot)
12 Far Too Loud - ‘All Is Machine’ (Specimen A remix) (Funkatech)
13 Pyramid vs. Far Too Loud - ‘The System’ (Funkatech)
14 Kiwa - Redemption (Eshericks remix) (High Grade)
15 Lily Allen - ‘Not Fair’ (Annie Nightingale & FTL bassline mix) (Parlophone)
16 Stereo:Type - ‘Sewer Gash feat. Beardyman’ (FTL mix) (Hardcore Beats)
17 Far Too Loud - ‘Dancefloor Destroyer’ (Funkatech)
18 Far Too Loud & CodeZero - ‘Blackout’ (Exogenic Breaks/Funkatech)
19 Birdy Nam Nam – ‘The Parachute Ending’ (Dilemn remix) (CDR)